Little Ones Learn About Indiana

A great way for a child to learn about one of the states in the USA is to spend time in it and experience it for yourself. Sometimes, though, you can’t go to every state in US, so you have to find another good way to experience it, and that is to read about it. The...

White River State Park

Provided by: Adriane Doherty, Owner, Rubber Ducky Press, May 6, 2021 There are few urban spaces in the Midwest that can offer more family fun (potentially for little or no cost] than White River State Park in downtown Indianapolis. Bring along a blanket and spread out...

Celebrating Earth Day

By Tom Doherty             Celebrate Earth Day with a stroll through the woods looking for native wildflowers. This is the best time of the year to enjoy native wildflowers as they are blooming in states across North America. If you live in states as far west as...